How Is Facelift Surgery Performed And What Are The Complications?

An aging face loses a lot of skin elasticity and fat. The skin becomes looser and the loss of face and muscle tone makes the face look highly wrinkled. Facelift surgery is a method that is used to remove excess facial skin and makes the face look younger.

Face Lift Surgery

How is facelift performed?

In face lift surgery, an incision is made in the hairline moving down to the front of the ear and extended upward to the back of the ear and ending in the hairline behind the ear. The skin and other fatty tissues are essentially lifted off as far as possible. The muscles can later on be tightened with sutures. The skin is moved over these tightened muscles and excess skin is then removed. There will be a visible wound that is closed expertly with sutures. Bandages are applied to hold everything in position.

What are the possible complications in a facelift surgery?

Complications are fairly less common in this surgery as the procedure is very straightforward. However, you could come across these conditions post surgery and need to keep an eye for the symptoms in order to report it back to your doctor or surgeon.

Bleeding and bruising: The procedure includes making an incision and it does leave a wound, hence there is a possibility of bleeding and bruising via this wound. Make sure that you immediately inform your doctor about this so that immediate action can be taken.

Infection: The wound could develop infection which requires attention. Make sure that you visit the clinic for subsequent checkups so that the doctor can detect such infections and give you proper medication before it affects your wound and prevents it from healing.

Loss of muscle function: Although this is temporary, there could be a possibility of loss of muscle functions. Like sensation and other neurological dysfunctions.

A thick scar: The wound could develop into a thick scar if not cared for properly. Make sure that you follow the doctor’s instructions and take your medication regularly.

Asymmetry: If you notice an asymmetry in both the sides, make sure that you notify the doctor about it.

Loss of skin due to tissue death: Skin necrosis is another complication that arises from this procedure.

Dressings are removed after 3 – 5 days and the patient can resume normal daily activities. You will be advised by your doctor whether to use makeup etc. to hide the bruise. Covering the bruise with hair after certain amount of time is a better option. Your doctor will tell you what the best approach is. This being a simple procedure does not require a lot of days in the hospital too.

Overall, a facelift provides individuals with a youthful new look. It takes away all the skin sagging and wrinkles. The good news is that the effect of the surgery lasts for around 10 years!

Pain is minimal and the patient may feel minor discomfort. But overall, it is a very satisfying experience for most of the patients.